5 Forgiveness Myths Explained

Damaris Teacherprenuer
3 min readApr 15, 2022


Were you taught the truth? Or are you living a myth?

Photo by Michael Carruth on Unsplash

Myths, Truths, Lies, and Facts

What is a myth exactly? Google says —” A myth is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.” In other words, “a widely held but false belief or idea.”

What is forgiveness? It is the process of releasing yourself from the pain, the journey of letting go of the ruminations, anger, fear, resentment, shame, and other low vibrating emotion.

Here are 5 myths about forgiveness and exposed the truth.

Is what you have been taught about forgiveness true?

  • Forgiveness is Unnecessary- Some people were taught that avoidance is the appropriate solution to any problems. They fail to understand the amount of resentment that builds up within them. This resentment builds up into anger. And anger can be reckless, especially if you add drugs and/or alcohol to the mix (to avoid).

TRUTH- forgiveness is absolutely necessary, for your own physical, mental and emotional health.

  • Forgiveness is Approval - If you take the time to accept what has happened and see for what it is, it is considered as “taking it up the ass” or seen as weak.

TRUTH - Forgivness is letting go and taking back your power by not allowing it to consume you any longer. Releasing what was and accepting what is, is actually freeing. You release any and all need to continue ruminating and reliving the past events.

  • Forgiveness is Forgetting- Get over it and forget it, in other words, suppress all of your feelings and emotions and make pretend the pain does not exist. This leads to anger, resentment, illnesses both physically and mentally. Allowing yourself to suppress the pain and event does not give your brain and heart time to process what happened and how it made you feel.

TRUTH -Forgeting is not healing, it is harming for you and those around you, ESPECIALLY children.

  • Forgiveness is Reconciliation- When you choose to forgive and decided to reconcile, that is completely up to you. If you reconcile with someone does not mean you have forgiven them (you may not have even forgiven yourself)

TRUTH- If you forgive and want to reconcile GREAT if you forgive and DO NOT want to reconcile FUCKING GREAT!!!! Forgiveness does not mean that you accept the behavior, in fact you respect and love yourself by doing so.

  • Forgiveness is Instant- As children we were taught to say sorry even if we didn’t mean it. As adults we still do that, but it is because we were never taught to really forgive and let go.

TRUTH- Forgiveness does not happen the moment you say I forgive you. That is just the beginning, most people don’t recognize their pain/traumas to let go. Forgiveness is a process that is completely individualized and like grief there is no time frame, nor is it linear.

There are several ways to process forgiveness, you can start by journaling and saying affirmations. Here is a great journal and set of affirmations for your forgiveness journey.

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