7 Things I Learned After Losing My Mother

Damaris Teacherprenuer
5 min readJan 13, 2022


Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Love Is The Only Thing That Lasts Forever

There is an old saying that says “nothing lasts for ever” and boy is it true. I learned the deep lesson on 11.22.21 queenI lost my mother suddenly. I have experienced loss before but not at the level of losing my mother.

As I continue to heal and mourn her loss, I understand love on an entirely new level. Though my mother is not physically here, I feel her presence through out the house, with memories and pictures.

Though she is not in physical form, I love her and that love will be forever, until my day comes. And even then I’mAll Life times I will recognize her energy and love her all over again.

Life is about birth and death, renewal and the cycle continues. Love is the only thing that lasts forever.

Gratitude Heals

Waking up in the mornings and being hit by the sudden reality of loss and grief. I learned to be grateful for everything especially the little things.

I am grateful for rest

I am grateful for sleep

I am grateful for healing

I am grateful for health

And the list goes on…

In fact for Christmas I was gifted a mug that says start your day with gratitude. Even in my sadness, grief and tears I’ve learned to say thank you.

Thank you for allowing my mother to be my mother. Thank you for the experience I had with my mother. Thank you for the healing moments I had with my mother. Thank you for the laughter and loving moments with my mother. The list can go on…

Gratitude brings you peace, it brings you a different perspective on life and its Obstacles. Having gratitude in your heart and peace in your mind is the best way to tackle life’s challenges as they come towards us.

Compassion Is Imprtant For Peace

Grief is an interesting experience. It brings us into spirals, rabbit holes and rollercoasters. It comes and goes as it pleases, without any warnings sometimes.

Learning to allow yourself to be compassionate and patient with your body and emotional state gives you the opportunity to heal in the way you need to.

The best advice I have been given is “grief is yours, don’t let anyone else tell you how to do it”. Wise words from an experienced griever.

Self compassion leads to healthy healing and grieving. Give yourself permission to heal the way you need to.

There is no right way to grieve, there are no instructions or rule book. We have to learn to figure it out on our own and when we allow ourselves to face our truth is when true compassion is experienced.

Self compassion brings character and strength!

Mother’s Love Covers All — Forgiveness

As I was facing my new reality, a lot of regret and guilt came over me. I shared these anxieties with my cousin who’s loving response took away all my fears.

“Mother’s Love Covers All” I was instantly able to see that I needed to forgive myself because my mother had already forgiven me.

I have yet to experience what it is to be a mother and love more than you thought you could. I pray I am blessed with the experience.

I am being grateful for these wise words that will bring you peace. When someone loves you they will forgive you and if not than forgiveness falls on yourself.

Forgiveness is for you to heal, whether it is forgiving another or forgiving yourself. It is all freedom for you to let go and move on, no longer caring the weight.

Your lost loved one may not be in physical form but their energy is forever and that energy forgives all.

Forgiveness is freedom

Meditation Is Life

My mothers unexpected death was not an easy experience for me. Before her passing I started to meditate. My intention for meditation was to calm my mind and body, as anxiety can be overwhelming for me.

I am grateful for decision, meditation gave me the strength to be able to focus on what was happening in there moment. I was able to maneuver emotions and still be rational under the overwhelming circumstances.

Taking 15 minutes a day to focus your mind, as when you do this you not only heal your brain but you start to test it that you are in control. When you start to control your mind you find your own inner power.

Meditation brings you peace, clarity and calms your brain which removes the fog so you can function at your most optimized ability.

Death Is A Part Of Life

No one can escape death, we are all here to eventually die. Death sometimes comes with no warning, it creeps up suddenly and other times it takes it’s time.

Death is beautiful, the persons body and soul is no longer suffering and is ready to move on to the next spiritual experience.

With death comes birth, with death comes hard lessons to learn, with death can come peace. With death comes the building of character if you allow it to bless you.

Though we may not understand the magnitude of death. We all know it is coming towards us every day we are alive.

As morbid as that sounds it is also peaceful and reassuring that we don’t have to endure the pains of life forever.

Life Stops For No one

The hardest part of grief for me has been, moving on, moving forward with life. The reality that my mother will not be in physical form to move in with me.

Means I have to let her go, not get rid of her but allow yourself to let it all go while holding on to all the memories and life lessons.

Life literally stops for no one, not even for COVID. We learned to work around COVID but life did not stop.

Getting rid of clothes, shoes, toiletries, personal items, collectibles and so on… makes us feel like we are getting rid of the person we have lost.

I had to learn to hold on tight to the love, memories, pictures and videos. I had to learn to let go, gift and give away her things. I learned to make it memorable by giving things to people who needed it. I gifted her collectibles to loved ones.

Life stops for no one but you can take the time to heal and do what you need to do to grieve your loved one and lovingly let go and move on.

MBD 11/22/21 💔❤️‍🩹❤️



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