A Fool-Proof Formula for Easy Healing

Damaris Teacherprenuer
3 min readJun 11, 2022


Truth Is It Does NOT Exisit

Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

Beautiful Mess

We are all trying to get through life, all of us doing the best we can with what we have in that moment. When you see life with this perspective you learn to have more patience and understanding towards others.

There is no guide to life, even though society and religions make pretend as there really is a book of rules in life. There are none, absoultely none!! Everything that is a rule, was created by a human being. Who are they to tell you how to live your life, heal, grieve, or even love.

Each and everyone of us are here on a different journey and noone’s life is a 1 size fits all. We all feel, see and experience life completely different than another. AND THAT IS OK, never let anyone, society or religion tell you what is right or wrong when it come to YOUR LIFE!!!


We Are All Battling Something

When you find yourself in the storm of life, remember that you are not the only one experiancing lifes drastic changes. We all grief and react to life completely differently. You may be a giver and when you are in need there may not be anyone there for you. But it does not mean they do not love you, it means you go you and that is all you need. Of course get any help you may need.

Always give yourself an outlet, journaling, expressing though art, music, writing, dancing. Creating gives us a positve outlet to release all out pain and heartaches. Whatever your talents are use them, whatever your hobbies are use them. Because most of the time you are going through life alone, because no one else but you can get you out of the hole you are in.

Yes we all need people but we can not ever depend on others. We must depend on ourselves at all time! We must be prepared to be completely disappointed by the lack of presense and support from family and friends. Sometimes they are so involved in their lives they do not see you.

We are all going through something, don’t hold it against them, but be selective moving forward. It doesn’t matter even if it is famliy or friends you have had for years. YOU GOT YOU!!!

Life Stops For No-one

When we go through a life changing event you deeply want life to stop for you, just you, just in this moment. You want the entire wold to stop spinging just so you can get a grasp on life agian.

And as we all know, this does not happen. No matter how much we desire this, it does not happen. So we must learn how to find peace within or storm. Finding these calm waters can be challenging, in order to find the calm and still waters we must travel the dark stormy waters of healing.

Whatever it is that you are experiencing, you must make the time to heal because the wold will not stop or even consider your pain. Finding the strength to get through can be exhausting, like the fight is NEVER ENDING. Than, before you know it, that moment happens. The moment when you find yourself safe, still and calm.

These moments come and go, life is like the ocean, it ebbs and flows. There are big waves, calm waves and horrible storms; which brings us wisdom and lessons to learn.

Whatever it may be for you, keep your head up, journal, speak up for yourself, finght for your dreams, cry, scream, give yourself WHATEVER you made need. And take your time, you can’t rush healing.

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