How Every Year Brings A Lesson of Growth
As each year passes they bring experiences along with lessons of growth. Whether it is failure or heartbreak there are lessons to learn and of course opportunities of growth.
The 3 C’s
The Only Thing Constant is Change
The world we live in is all about change and with change is an opportunity of growth. If you chose to give yourself the gift of growth you will see the failures and obstacles in life are blessings in disguise. Even when they don’t feel that way.
Commitment: The Game Changer
When we commit to something it means no matter what, rain or shine we are in it. Commitment will change your life if you allow it to, allow yourself to remember why you started on those days when you don’t want to commit to your commitment. Whether it is exercise or to change a tendency when you chose to commit something special happens in your brain. It’s like a light lights up and gives you the hope you need to take your first step forward every day towards your goals.
Here is where who you are really comes out to play. The next and final step is consistency, to keep working towards your goal no matter what. To commit is one thing, but to act every day is another. A good way to stay consistent is to share your goals with someone who can hold you accountable. Writing down your goals daily and making sure you follow through on a daily basis.