LOA, Here Is What They Are Not Saying…
The truth is always within you, you must take time to look within
What Is The Law Of Attraction
Per Jack Canfield, “The law of attraction is a universal principle that states you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you.
When you focus on the abundance of good things in your life, you will automatically attract more positive things into your life. But if you center yourself on negative thoughts and only focus on what you lack in life, then you will ultimately attract negativity into your life and what you want most will continue to elude you.”
To break this down a little more, the law of attraction is simply this; what you focus on grows. Our brain is a POWERFUL tool, but that is all it is; a tool.
The language of the universe is emotion, and our thoughts bring us to different emotional states depending on our thoughts. So if I am sad and I do not know how to stop the cycle of sad thoughts in my head, they will continue. But if I put a stop to negative thought and replace it with a positive thought we will interrupt the law of attraction and create a new cycle of LOA.
It is pretty simple, our thoughts create emotions and our emotions create our perceived view of our circumstances.
But no one talks about the journey. No one talks about why the law of attraction doesn’t work when you want it to. You may be thinking to yourself what journey? So let me share my experience.
I have always had a desire to work for myself and for it to be freeing and remote. One day in 2016 I decided to change my life once and for all. I was depressed, lost, and drinking away my darkness. I was tired of being sick and tired so I made a promise to myself to be obsessed with becoming the best version of myself, no matter what obstacles may come.
For 6 years I struggled to create and build ANY business, and I tried dozens of business models. I became angry and resentful to life and to my dreams. NOTHING was working out and I had to go back to working for someone else.
Now during this time I was using affirmations, making a version board, was meditating, exercising daily, reading and healing and I was still failing. I was failing to achieve everything I touched. This grew into a huge disappointment in my life. Depression grew, anxiety grew and I was still very much lost. But little did I know it was all part of the plan
During those 6 years, I was living with my parents for personal and healing purposes. I was able to create a strong bond and friendship with my mother. I was able to talk about my past, learn more about my childhood and learn more about my mom. I learned how similar we are, I understand her a little more each day which allowed me to heal the wounds of childhood.
Now 6 years later I am grateful for my failure, not only was I able to spend time with my mother and heal old wounds. I was also able to learn about failure and business, becoming your own boss, discipline and so much more.
My mother passed a few months ago, on 11–22–21, and not after her death, my creativity and business start to flourish.
Yes, there is a law of attraction that is very much real!!! But we EACH have our own individualized journey here on earth. And the law of attraction, in reality, does not work the same for everyone. Now do not confuse my words, the law of attraction does work, just not the same for everyone.
Some people's journey is to achieve success early on in life, others it is later, some non at all. And there is always free will, for some people simply CHOSE not to follow their chosen and destined path. Or it is not destined in this lifetime because they have so much learning to do or karma to release or pay.
Each soul is here for a different purpose, so when you are learning about the law of attraction please be gentle with yourself and understand that it is real but we each have our own journey.
Stop believing the hype of spirituality and start living your own, learning, and creating your own path is what opens your heart to your truth.
When your life is falling apart, there is a purpose behind it, know and trust that you are always being guided and the universe always has your back.
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