What Is Emotional Intelligence And Why Is It Important?
The change you seek is always within you…
What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Every second of the day we are experiencing emotions, whether they are high vibrating or low vibrating energies, the experience of them manifests in us all. When we are children we have a hard time managing our emotions because we do not understand them.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions.
4 Levels of Emotional Intelligence
- Perceiving Emotions: Taking time to perceive what you are experiencing and feeling.
- Reasoning Emotions: Taking time to examine your feelings and ask what triggered that response?
- Understanding Emotions: Taking time to truly see why you reacted the way you did. Do not entertain feelings of embarrassment and/or shame.
- Managing Emotions: Taking time to self-evaluate and see what works best for you in managing your emotions.
How To Build Emotional Intelligence
Self-evaluation is the best way to build emotional intelligence. Ask all of the who, what, when, where, and why questions that come to mind. Write a journal about all of these feelings, questions, and desires to change.
Allow yourself to sit with the pain if any arises. Acknowledge the emotion, assess it and then let it go. Letting go may take some time, if you are unable to let go of certain experiences see a doctor as needed for your mental health.
Listening to others is a great way to build your EI. It helps you understand where they are coming from, once you put the emotions and their reasons together.
Being empathetic to others is another great way to explore and build your EI. Emotional Intelligence isn’t always about yourself. We can all learn from each other and build on skills together.
Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important?
The more you explore yourself; emotions, reactions, feelings, the more you get to know others. So it is true, the more you know yourself, the more you know others.
We are all connected, we all feel the same emotions, we only manifest them differently. When you see someone express specific emotions you can tell they are happy, scared, sad, or angry. Yes, there are other emotions but they are usually secondary to these four.
The future will be lead by people of high emotional intelligence, it is said it will be quality and skill that will surpass intellectual intelligence.