Why You Should Open Yourself Up To Trusting The Universe

Damaris Teacherprenuer
3 min readJan 16, 2022

How The Universe Speaks To Us

The beautiful and loving universe that we live in Speaks To each and every one of us in our own magical way.

Some have a connection with birds, others with soil, some with the water…. We each have a different way we connect to source.

Here are some ways source whispers loving guidance in our ear.

  • Nature: God speaks to us with the wind, the water in the ocean and the river. There are signs in nature like the rainbow that reminds us of peace and hope. When the clouds turn grey it informs us a storm is brewing. Science and God are one.
  • Intuition: Our thoughts are connected to our emotions. What we think about we will eventually feel. When we allow ourselves to shed off the weight of the world and let our emotions guide us we learn to trust ourselves.
  • Numbers: I Always say numbers rule the world. There are numbers EVERYWHERE and they are used for EVERYTHING! Numbers have great power and each carry a vibration. The universe Speaks To Us in numbers and shapes. Pay attention to your surroundings. What number sequence to do you keep seeing?
  • Social media, entertainment or people: Have you ever overheard a conversation and got a “message” out of it. Or a song, movie, billboard, book???? Signs are EVERYWHERE! A simple text from someone could help guide you in a decision you are having trouble making. Keep your eyes peeled. God is speaking to your heart in figment disguises.
  • Animals: Sometimes animals commute into our lives and give us some interesting experiences. As if they have something to tell us. If you feel this way that moment and experience has a message for you. Just like Bob Marley’s song suggest the meaning of seeing three birds is the universe reminding you that every little thing is going to be alright.
  • Through our 5 senses: Some people communicate with God Via their senses. All the Clair abilities, Clairaudience (hearing voice) Clairvoyance (seeing images) Clairsentience (recognizing feelings) Claircognizance (knowing). E all have at least one of these gifted either dormant, Awakening or fully awakened.

How To Listen To The Universe

Most of the time when the universe speaks to us it is a small still voice. It is rarely a loud and distracting sign.

Because of this way of whispering to us we must find ourselves in the right state of mind to receive our messages.

That’s why there is so much power in the following three techniques of how to listen to God.

  • Meditation: 15 Minutes a Day can help clear your mind and thoughts. When you declutter Your mental space it leaves room for new Information.
  • Stillness: Because it’s a still small voice we must not make much sound to distract us from what we really want to hear.
  • Silence: Along with stillness silence helps Us listen And hear Tha The call From the universe.
  • Trusting your intuition: What you feel matters. And trusting that what you feel is a way the universe speaks to you. You will find yourself trusting and growing in your relationship with source.

Letting Go Is Freedom

We are racing a point in the history of earth where a transition and frequency shift is occurring,

Letting go to what no longer serves you will help aid in this shift. We must let go of old habits and allow new healthy habits to enter.

We also must let go out work and TRUST that everything occurring is happening for us and NOT against us. The universe is conspiring for you!!!

When we let go and Trust that we are taken care of, we no longer worry because we know that everything we need will be provided for.

The universe has our back. But find a balance of when to relax, rest and listen and when to take action.

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